Monday, September 3, 2007

Will run for happiness

The long depression has begun. If I don't start running soon, there's no telling how long it could last. Why must I have emotions? There are days when I feel like I'm right where I belong and then the next day I would give anything to be huddled in a corner of the world all by myself away from anyone who knows me or my name or anything about who I am. Having people know who you are is an excuse to act that way. I don't want it anymore. It gets tiring. How can I be blessed with so much hatred and not have the capabilities to use it effectively. God, if I were mean, I could do lots with all of this pent up energy.

Then sometimes there are people who show you how much fun life can be. Sometimes there are people who let you suffer next to them. Sometimes you should let go of all the extraneous emotional content of life. Sometimes you should unleash it on some asshole who really deserves it. Most of the time we don't ever even have enough information to get angry in the first place.

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