Thursday, September 20, 2007

The key to my success

I am notorious for losing keys. I have lost more keys than I can ever remember having in the first place. I've lost single keys, huge sets of keys, keys that weren't mine, keys I had forever, and keys I had for a day. Over the years I've gotten better- I've used different tricks to keep them safe. Anything from having "key spots" only having three spots they could be, to never taking them off my backpack key ring or now-cute little key toppers.

The last time I lost a key was fairly recently-within the last few months. It was on a bullet key chain. I was standing in my parent's kitchen with it, got in the car and suddenly realized I didn't have it. I searched high and low. To this day I've not found it. That was the first time I'd ever had anything happen to me that I couldn't explain. It had disappeared into thin air.

This morning. Angela's house. 6:45am. Getting ready to head out for a nice swim before my yoga/pilates class. Everything is together. I take out my little stuff: my lobo ID, my cell phone, my key, and a granola bar. I set everything down on the couch as I open and eat my granola bar and then throw away the wrapper. I get a drink of water, get a last look at my hot self in the bathroom mirror, let the cat out, straighten up and head for the door. Pick up my little key. I tear my backpack apart three separate times. Look in the bathroom, under the couch, on and under everything in site, in the freezer, in the sink, under the table, the refrigerator, the bathroom again, under climbing gear. Nowhere. Nowhere. I call Angela. "Is your cat known to take things outside and hide them? No? K."

We agreed that I would have to take everything with me and leave the door unlocked. Shit. I gather everything up and as I'm about to leave I think about the one thing I did that I hadn't thought of before....I threw away the wrapper. I drop everything and go to the trash. Right on top between the wrapper and some paper was my little key with it's little tooth key topper. Lotta good that did me. When I came back from class Angela had taken out the trash and had started cleaning. If I hadn't found would have been lost forever. I wonder if they all go to the same place. Have little key meetings. Laugh at my misfortune of being such a gooffish.

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