Monday, December 14, 2009


I was having a talk with my therapist this morning, as we do every other Monday...and I came upon something I haven't thought of before.

I don't tell people about the small things I accomplish that I am truly proud of for fear of being boring or sounding arrogant.

So here is a happier blog for you, born of the fact that I am indeed proud of some things I do.

I spend a lot of time playing with my finances. Moving funds, saving, scrimping, challenging myself, reading books about money, and thinking about numbers all day. I have pages and pages of numbers and financial essence, I am writing down what I want my future to look like.

It has taken me quite a while to get to this place, and though I still feel vulnerable to fluctuation, bad months, unexpected fees, and the fact that I should be doing better, I still have a place of hope and pride that I keep unchecked.

Currently, though I have a good chunk of debt, I have learned to live without credit cards. I haven't touched one for months (a year?). I have saved into a small, moderate yield savings account for my "rainy day" fund. I have payed off two of my four credit cards with the help of debt stacking and should be credit card free within the next two years. After that, I should be completely debt free within 5. I have made out a financial goal sheet specifying what I will need to save within the next 6 months to be able to go to India, and within the next 2 years to be able to start having children. I have started a Roth IRA for myself while contributing some of my paycheck to my job's retirement fund.

My bills are payed on time. I know exactly what I will be paying and to whom for the next three pay periods. I have taken the next step toward a financial future that is more profitable than a $10/hour desk job.

Although risky, I stand to earn more than I would with no corporate ladder to climb. For those things, I am proud.

Although some months I still find it hard to squeak out paying my bills, I'm not using credit, I save a small amount of money every month and I stick to my debt stacking plan. These are things that are important to me.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Happy Blog

There, are you happy now? ;)