Friday, October 17, 2008

This week encapsulated

this week I...

lost a friend and it hurt

gained two pounds

made a little girl laugh

accepted the most beautiful red roses

helped my students learn about their shoulders

hired two of the best workstudies ever

became an apartment renter for the first time

heard some bad news about people I love very much

climbed again and it felt good

missed my lover and then didn't

purchased my first vinyl

taught solely for the love of it

spoke to my long lost boss and mentor

found out what the word "baller" meant

saw the worst in a colleague

explored and pushed boundaries

stole because of someone else's stupidity

thought for a second I might turn gay...

had another panic attack related to my absurd fear of dying
and/or getting old

wore high heels for the first time since I left the Benz

so very much enjoyed having my car back

said fuck a whole lot

introduced my mom to the obsession that is gelato

started feeling my shoulder again

saw myself in a photo that shows how jacked up my levator scapulae really is

thought about calling the god Doc; After all, I do still owe him for the last time

regretted leaving Sports and Wellness just a little

confirmed that I do, in fact, know way too much about the current rap scene and urban dialect

thought about the fact that it ain't trickin' if you got it...hehehehe

did a lot of waiting around for text messages

started getting more and more confused


Anonymous said...

Nice blog. Glad I was part of some of the happier lines : )

Anonymous said...

Was that really the first time since then?

Wow, I feel honored.