Friday, November 7, 2008

A rare dream

In general my dreams are as stupid as everything I say and as mixed up as everything I think when I am awake. No big deal. I usually can't remember much and even when I do none of it makes sense or I'm simply falling or paralized or blind...

Last night summed up all of the reasons I've never lived alone. I came into my apartment at about 11pm quite tired after swimming and yoga. My eyes just wouldn't focus and my halls and lighting are set up in a way that they invite strange shadows and flickers, etc. If you aren't paying attention you may see "movement" (eg light and shadows from windows, etc.) out of the corner of your eye. I checked the shower as I have done all my life when I stay alone, as if checking it would make the monster go away before the curtain was opened. I made sure that when I re-opened the mirrored medicine cabinet that I didn't look directly into the mirror. I crawled as deep into my covers as possible before turning off the last light and imagined what it would be like if I actually believed in ghosts.

During the night I was restless. Kept waking up because something else on my body would fall asleep or my heart would do something weird, at least I thought it was...

The details of the dream are hard to come by, but I distinctly remember starting to bring seemingly random items into a room. Then it all started to come to me...I had been bringing very closely related items into the room and knew that upon the last trip with the last items in my hands I would complete the link to the other side...I walked into the room with something in my right hand and a baby on my left hip. No telling who's baby it was. As I entered a horrifying figure appeared at flickered as a lightening bolt would infront of me. I basically jumped out of my sleep body's skin. I left the room to bring the baby to safety and re-entered the room alone. The same figure reappeared infront of me. When I left again the baby was lost. My father kept asking me what had happened to the baby. I didn't know. I didn't leave her in the room.

It seems to me that our minds put together seemingly random things into the disconnected show that make up our dreams. My feeling is that our brains have made neural connections between certain thoughts and those pathways of our subconcious mind have suddenly been opened while we dream. When I remember my dreams I like to take note of any connections I can still bring forth into my concious mind. Because that's what our concious mind tries to make sense of stimuli that make very little real sense at all.

Who was that little baby? Why was she the last link? Why did I enter the room twice when I was really scared and knew what was going to happen? Why do our dreams fade away so quickly? I am left to ponder these questions during yet another night alone in my new apartment.

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