Thursday, November 13, 2008

My own love list

I found a new picture that I had never seen before. Attached to it was a love list. A list of things you love without attaching those things to any certain person. It is supposed to help you figure out who you are. Guess what. I just so happen to be trying to do just that very thing. So here goes...

I love that there are too many truths to see to a given story. I love being sore after a really nice workout. I love sharing yoga with my students. I love that anyone can choose to be my student. I love that certain things just come easy to me and I don't have to understand why. I love the feeling of stretching after sex. I love coming home knowing that the only thing I'm going to do before bed is soak in tub of semi-hot water. I love that I have a ton of shit to do tomorrow that I absolutely have to get done. I love being needed.

I love when I forget to eat. I love running when the only thing I can think about is the sound of my shoes hitting the ground and the feeling of my lungs expanding and contracting. I love making something simple to eat for me and only me nobody else. I love speaking jibberish that no one else understands. I love finding that person, those people who understand. I love my kind of crazy. I love that hope means that I have already failed, that I should have put in the work instead of wasting time hoping.

I love using my body in as many different ways as I can and have still more to try. I love smiling into someone's eyes and having them know exactly what I mean. I love being naked as much as possible whenever possible. I love when I have no idea what someone is saying but having it make sense later when I am alone. I love forgetting all together that I have a cell phone. I love making someone's day just that much easier or happier or better. I love that my sub-conscious mind is much smarter than I am. I love making people laugh uncomfortably because they know I mean it. I love my ass. I love memorizing all the words to rap because of I have no idea why and I love that too. I love that I am scared shitless to find out who I am but I am still making this small attempt at it.


Anonymous said...

I love that you love so much about yourself...

Kristen Martinez said...

You should try it my friend. You may be suprised.