Tuesday, December 18, 2007

In the mind of the squirrel... in the eye of the wrath


Quality ranting from a fellow squirrel. I agree.

So, if I could wish whatever I wanted...I'd probably go on a trip...but the second thing would be making smokers breath their fiery death away from me so that I can breath normal air. I don't even care if they choose to kill themselves...well, some people...but do it away from me and then stay away from me for the rest of the Godamn day. You smell awful. And it brings back bad memories of being proposed to with an ash ring. This next rant says it all.


In other squirrel-fish thought provoking thoughts:

Today someone asked me if my email was spelled with a "kay like cat or kay like kathy?" Say that one out loud.

All Christmas shopping and much of my wrapping is over. Yippee!!! What next? It was fun with the girls. And we don't have the girls. And my mom is acting like a 5 year old. Why can't I have peace in my life?

My client who I spent hours on the phone with and promised to buy two cars will no longer return my phone calls.

If you fry tortillas and sprinkle cinnamon sugar on top...it tastes like heaven clouds.

Thank you Chris for saving me from biking in this morning. Although it would have made up for all the heaven clouds I ate today...

I wonder why I hate cold so much yet so love winter sports.

I want my ornaments. Christmas doesn't feel the same without them.

The receptionist did something extremely nice for us all this year. She donated a sheep in my name (and some others) to a needy family in another country. Fascinating. Makes me feel good for existing. It's a really wonderful gift.

My grades for the semester were good and I'm supposed to be contacting the JCC for an interview to intern there next semester. Wish me luck.

Are faith and hope the same thing?

I ran into Damon's sister. You know, the only thing I kept thinking was that she was going to yell at me. But she was very nice. Now I regret not asking how her other brother Darrell is...no, I'm not joking. Around this time last year he was in the hospital with cancer. He had just gotten married a few months before. Last time I talked to Damon he was pissed, but I asked him how his brother was...and he wouldn't tell me. Next time I see her I'll ask.

Which brings me to marriage. It's there for the bad times. Not the bad times between you, the bad times in your life. You know you have someone there who loves you and will support you. Granted, you have to marry the right person, it doesn't always work out this way.

I really don't think I'll vote for someone because they are a woman or a hispanic person or not vote for someone just because he is an old white guy. It's an amazing thing to see the diversity and that says a lot for how far we've come, but I want to vote for someone who will be able to fix the leaks brought on by the current administration.

Pretty much my life has been reduced to lists. I can't help it. It's been so long since the last blog that I felt it necessary to list off the things I'd missed instead of say anything of importance. Ah, I'll save that for next time.

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