Monday, April 12, 2010

101 things in 1001 days

I was reading an article on The Simple Dollar ( and it stood out to me. This man wrote down 101 goals that he would try to accomplish in 1001 days. His list seemed really ambitious to me...but perhaps he is a really really driven person. Now, as driven as I am, I can't see myself doing all the things he had on his list. The rules are simple. They must be intermediate term goals (1001 days = 2.75 years), they must be measurable in some way (write 30 peoms, etc.), and they must be realistic but challenging. I'd like to put together my own list. I'd love to look at it every day and work hard towards accomplishing every goal.

But first, let's take a look at my progress on my New Years Resolutions!

1. Find a way to get and stay organized: I'm actually making good progress on this one. My planner stays full and by my side at all times. All my to do lists are in it. Today I organized my backpack. Next is my car :). I have lots of time lines to follow to stay on's going well.

2. Never overdraw my accounts again: So far so good...but according to my checkbook this week, I'm about $2 over my limit...hasn't posted yet. Thinking about depositing a few dollars to make sure I don't get slammed again.

3. More and better marketing and networking: I suck at making this stuff happen. I have great ideas for marketing, I just have yet to use them. Thanks to Brandi, I was able to network with HD Yoga and will start working with their kids program this summer!

4. Work out for myself at least 3 days per week: This one has been going amazingly well! Thank you Melanie!!! If it weren't for you I wouldn't have near as much incentive for getting up at 630am.

5. Eat more veggies and fruit: Uh, can't say I've made a ton of progress on eating MORE, per say...I do try when I can, though. What I have done is to swear off sweets for a month as a challenge to myself. I have felt increadible changes to the way I feel because of this.

6. Make concerted efforts not to be late anymore: I'm proud to say this one has been getting a lot better. There is still some progress to be I hate being at places early. It makes me feel like I'm waisting time....Parking at CNM will be my next hurdle to overcome to getting places 5 min. early.

7. Take a dance or yoga class: I have one lined up for next week at HD Yoga. I was thinking this one was never going to happen...not sure the dance class will :(, but the yoga classes WILL happen! I must start working harder on my own practice.

8. Make more money: The only way I could think of to make this one happen is to get into PT school at UNM. Failure is not an option.

9. Keep making efforts to save money: At this point I could be doing a lot more than I am. I thought for an instant about maybe having to pick up a credit card again and almost cried. Times are a little tougher than they need to be, but I just thought about putting together some graphs of my monthly spending habits...including having to refill my gas tank 6x this month!!!

10. Pay off credit card debt and never look back: see previous two statements.

11. Start climbing again: HA! Damn it. Nope. Try, fail. Try, fail. I will keep trying.

12. Learn to cook: See previous statement...;)

13. Keep working on last year's resolutions: For the most part I think I'm doing okay with these. Still have to keep them in check...especially the swearing part :#.

In conclusion, tomorrow will mark day #1 on my journey to accomplishing 101 goals in 1001 days. I guess #1 goal on the list is to actually spend some time putting this list of 101 goals together. :) Wish me luck!

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