Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Something shiny

He lies down on the shower floor with the water on.

He finds the shiny backing to my earring, tiny though it is.

Finds it lying there next to him, living the same fate. Waiting to be found.

Something shiny in the corner of his eye. Accidentally found.

He finds it by accident. Stumbles upon something important.

By accident.

I am gone. I am crawling around on my hands and knees staring at the blank gray carpet.

I was gone a long time ago.

I found that something shiny that I was looking for. I was looking on my hands and knees.

I couldn't find, try as I might, the other half.

The two are still apart. Though I know where each is.

I must lie down and wait for him to come looking for that small important shiny bit.

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