Monday, July 28, 2008

I'm no Batman

New Friend (Random Story)

There are five different trainers at Sports and Wellness that I have been shadowing for the summer to complete my internship. One of them is Aaron. For the last couple of weeks, every time I have come in to shadow him, somehow his clients decide not to show up...and never called him. This has happened four times now. One time, it was twice in a row. I need the hours, he has to be we just hung out and talked shop. During one such conversation, he was telling me about the dollar that had been in the desk drawer for about a week now. Apparently he had found it on the floor and couldn't bring himself to pocket he left it in the drawer. Said he didn't feel right taking it, even after a week. Aaron: 22, Personal Trainer/Student, fasts once a week, hates people who do crunches and/or attend night clubs. So yesterday, I took the dollar. Theoretically, the dollar went into buying him a frisbee and a set of three bouncy balls 'cause I thought it would be funny (came to .96 + tax)...the actual dollar, however, is in my purse...waiting to be given to charity. Don't I feel karmically balanced now?

New Juicer

I just read Skinny Bitch on the airplane on the way back from MD on Wednesday. On top of knowing that the authors are pretty darn right...I was feeling icky. My digestive tract has been giving me nightmares...SOOO, as everyone has seen on Facebook, I gave up high fructose corn syrup. Yesterday I spent way too much time and WAYY too much money on groceries, and a juicer. I've been eating salads, fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, and cut out milk and a lot of processed simple sugars. It has been about 2 or 3 days now and I feel like I just quit smoking. Except, I already don't miss the sugar. The change in how I feel is absolutely phenomenal. I challenge every single one of you to buy some oranges and a juicer today.

Citrus juicer from Target $20
Oranges (and other foods to make tummies happy) $170
Feeling like even if I had a million dollars it wouldn't make me as happy: priceless...

New Family

Speaking of MD (Maryland-my birthplace), I took my first trip in 7 years to see my mom's side. My granny is 80 and I just recently reconnected with some cousins on myspace and thus was put in touch with cousins I've never met. So I thought, what the heck. We'll be there, let's meet them. They're great. Rest of our family is a little crazy...but both my brother and I felt like we finally knew where we belong in this family. 'Cause believe was hard to figure out before. There is a youtube of Rich doing some kind of funky chicken "drunk dance." Effing hilarious.

Old Problems
So needless to say, after spending four days in a car, in a hotel, in a bed, on an airplane, at the park, with my snoring, loud, crazy, sometimes really crazy, extended and nuclear family...I got really tired of being around people. When I came home I was charged with taking over dog-sitting for the neighbors. Sleeping at my parents house, putting the dog in, taking the dog out, etc. In my eyes, this was my chance to decompress. All by myself. The neighbors put the dog in at 830pm and I felt bad getting in late and making them do it while I was in town. I did as much as I could, but having a life, just getting back to Abq., and having the girls still was hard to justify leaving home at 815pm to watch a dog. No hard feelings. It had nothing to do with anything but not being alone for any small amount of time for a long duration and being very sick of drama and people and getting zero sleep. I slept well at my parents house and all I had to worry about was my doggy. I ran with her and I played with her and I slept very well. For no other reason besides that I needed to. My body was finished with the way it was living. So, needless to say when I had the prospect of an open Sunday, I went grocery shopping. Alone. For my health. And I bought all the right things for me and my sanity...and all the wrong things for everyone else apparently. I've opened a new chapter on my life and on my outlook on my life. I'm weak. I can't take a lot of stress. I feel much better, but I've got a long way to go. I found some earplugs. Last night, they worked great. Slept well at home this time. Oh, and BTW...go see Batman. It rocked.

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